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Difference Between 5ml-100ml Screw on HDPE bottle and PET Bottles

2021-07-05     By hqt

5ml-100ml Screw on HDPE bottle and PET Bottles: Differences

5ml-100ml Screw on HDPE bottle is a great product. The Plastic might just be the most common material that we see in our everyday lives. Plastic bottles are very common and vital in today’s era, they are unbreakable, cheap, lightweight, and just very convenient for carrying.

Everyone has at least some type of plastic bottle in their home. Whether it is the water bottles, fizzy drinks bottles, medicine bottles, cosmetics bottles, food containers, salad dressings, detergent, liquid soap bottles or many other types of bottles or containers are present in our lives, manufacturers use plastics for making them. These plastic bottles are not all same type of plastic but they can be different types of plastics as well, different depending on their characteristics.

There are many different kinds of plastics today but the two most common and most ideal types of plastics used to manufacture plastic bottles and packaging materials are PET plastic and HDPE plastic. Both types of plastics have many beneficial properties and both types of plastics are environmentally friendly as well as proven safe to use.

Why these 5ml-100ml Screw PET plastic bottles and HPDE plastic bottles are classified into 2 different types of plastic categories, and how these two types of plastics differ from each other? What are the different characteristics of these 2 types of plastic bottles? Which of these 2 types of plastic bottles, PET or HDPE is more suitable for what type of storage? This article is will discuss all of these questions and many more in detail.

PET plastic bottles

Polyethylene terephthalate which is short for PETE or simply PET is a polyester for plastic that is used in manufacturing and packaging different types of products. 5ml-100ml Screw on PET plastic bottles is transparent plastic bottles that are lightweight but very strong, which makes them unbreakable and easy to transport, mean even if you drop them they won’t break which makes it very efficient. This type of plastic bottle is used for the packaging of foods and beverages, cooking oils, liquid soaps, and cleaners, etc.

Food and beverages, liquid soaps and dressings, and many more products come in PET plastic packages because the FDA approves them. To ensure that the bottles meet the safety standards, manufacturers have been rigorously testing them for about 30 years. PET is an inert material and hence it does not react with the food or other materials stored in it, it is resistant to micro-organisms’ attack and it is also non-biodegradable, which makes it ideal for using it in packaging food and drinking items, oils, medicines, and liquid soaps, etc.

PET is 100% recyclable, it can be commercially recycled by proper washing and re-melting, or by chemically breaking it down to its component materials to make new PET resin. It is easily melted and molded into any shape desired. PET is the most recycled plastic worldwide. Since PET is an inert polymer, it causes no environmental damage as well. PET is also very sustainable. Its versatility and efficiency have made it the most used and popular plastic in the world.

HDPE plastic bottles

High-density polyethylene, commonly known as HDPE plastic is also another most commonly used plastic used in manufacturing packaging. HDPE is non-clear plastic, it can come in colors or plain white. It is very strong, but lightweight and impact-resistant. Hence it can carry a big amount of products. Even if you drop it, it won’t break it’ll just bounce back. It is also durable plastic that can be made in both rigid (for containers) forms and flexible (for bags, etc.) forms, making it ideal for any type of packaging.

It is common to use HPDE for the packaging of food products, milk cartons, cleaning products, laundry detergent, and shampoo bottles, etc. HDPE has replaced many heavy materials like metals and wood to attain sustainability and much affordable manufacturing and packaging. It is also the most used plastic today. HDPE is very long-lasting and weatherproof and it is resistant to micro-organisms. So, it is a good choice for underground water pipes or shades for gardens and houses. It is also common for food or cosmetics containers and bottles as well.

HDPE is recyclable just like PET and it causes no environmental damage, hence it is very cost-effective and environmentally friendly. 5ml-100ml Screw on HDPE plastic bottle can withstand very low and very high temperatures. However, once it reaches its boiling point, you can easily melt and mold it into anything that you desire. Thus, making the material extremely malleable. It is also corrosive resistant and to further make it safe, you can sterilize it.


PET plastic is transparent while the HDPE plastic is opaque, HPDE plastic can come in both rigid forms and flexible forms, whereas overall it is much more rigid than PET. Both PET and HDPE are safe plastics that are recyclable and reusable, they both are great options for consumables.

The temperature range that the 5ml-100ml Screw-on PET plastic bottles can withstand is from 131F to -40F, whereas the temperature range that HDPE plastic can withstand is 167F to -110F. Hence HPDE plastic can withstand greater temperature change compared to PET plastic.

PET is more rigid than the HDPE and is more resistant to stress cracks. Whereas HDPE plastic is more strong and impact-resistant than PET plastic. PET plastic is transparent in comparison to opaque HDPE. Both have the same moisture barrier.

Overall both types of plastics are very good with little differences, both are environment friendly and you can recycle both. Also, they are safe to store products.  Both plastics are lightweight but strong, they are both impact-resistant, flexible, and unbreakable, with a very good moisture barrier, perfect packaging material.

HDPE plastic is a much more ideal choice if you want an opaque container that is much more temperature resistant and is more rigid. PET plastic is a much more ideal choice if you want a transparent container with flexibility.

Both 5ml-100ml Screw on PET plastic and HPDE plastics are very versatile, efficient, and convenient for everyday use. If you are looking to buy 5ml-100ml Screw on HDPE bottles or PET Bottles then check out Bona Pharma. They manufacture high-quality plastic bottles.


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